
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin and Environmental Military Police form first batch of Environmental Protectors for Young Apprentices

Program has already trained around 1,000 youth, but this is the first time the course is targeted at young apprentices

On September 12, 16 teens and youth aged 14 to 18 from Lages concluded the Environmental Protectors program organized by the Military Police of Santa Catarina with support from Klabin. This is a special batch of the program - which has been running with Klabin’s support since 2005 – as it consists of youth who, after conclusion, will be included in the Young Apprentice program.   Over these 17 years, the course was targeted at children and teens aged 11 to 14. This special edition was targeted at teens from the Irmandade Nossa Senhora das Graças Orphanage and the Menino Jesus Municipal Shelter in Lages, providing them with environmental education to help them enter the job market.
To train youth to act as multipliers of environmental education, the course began in September 2021, training students on nature preservation, environmental legislation, aspects of flora and fauna, first aid, civic duties, morals and ethics.
Mireli Moura Pitz Floriani, sustainability consultant to Klabin, believes this youth training will be a differential for the region in the near future. “The opportunity these youth had to participate in an environmental program such as this one helps form citizens with better judgment and awareness of environmental issues, who will become professionals capable of bringing about the changes necessary for a sustainable future.”

“These students were selected to join a project that goes beyond just environmental education. They learned to be disciplined and committed to the environmental cause,” added Maj. Edmilson Machado Camargo Nassiff, commander of the 2nd Company of the 2nd Environmental Military Police Battalion.

The Young Apprentice program was established by Brazilian law in 2000 to support the entry of youth without experience in the job market, by combining hands-on experience with theoretical training.


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