
Reconhecimentos e premiações

Klabin wins three categories in 2022 Industry Highlights Awards sponsored by ABTCP

São Paulo, September 14, 2022 – Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable paper packaging solutions, was one of the big winners of the Industry Highlights Awards 2022 sponsored by the Brazilian Pulp and Paper Technical Association (ABTCP), taking first place in three categories.
In Packaging Paper Producer, the company was recognized for EkoMix, a product developed by the Klabin Technology Center, a packaging solution for concrete and cement that is 100% water-dispersible, which means it can be added to the material during its preparation. The solution reduces the generation of solid waste on construction sites and increases productivity and sustainability for the construction industry.
In Forestry Development, the winner was the Forestry Control Tower, whose use was pioneered by Klabin last year. The structure provides online and uninterrupted (24/7) monitoring of Klabin’s forestry operations with the use of artificial intelligence (AI), data transmission via radio and satellite, telemetry of equipment and optimization tools.
Meanwhile, in the category Social Responsibility, the highlight was the case study “Plant with Klabin.” The program, which is aligned with the company’s commitment to foster the sustainable and economic development of local communities, works to increase income generation and environmental compliance by rural producers in the Campos Gerais region of Paraná state by offering a minimum price and guaranteed purchase of wood from pine and eucalyptus producers. This gives landowners an excellent option for income generation while complementing their product portfolio, creating new jobs and supporting the region’s development.
“The awards garnered in this year’s ABTCP Industry Highlights attest to the excellence of Klabin’s work in the pulp and paper industry over more than one hundred years through projects that reinforce its commitment to ESG and innovation. More importantly, these achievements leave us even more determined to keep going beyond and surmounting challenges,” said Francisco Razzolini, Chief Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects Officer. 
For 20 years, the Industry Highlights Awards, which is open to both ABTCP member and non-member companies and professionals, have been recognizing producers and suppliers in Brazil’s pulp and paper industry. In 2018, the awards were reformulated to give more opportunities for participation by member and non-member professionals and companies to share their successful innovations and technologies, which creates more value and information for the entire chain. Today, the awards feature 19 categories for companies and three categories for professionals.


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