
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin and State Government of Paraná formalize agreement for infrastructure works in Campos Gerais

Works will improve infrastructure and logistics in the region

Klabin will now start work on construction of the third lane between Imbaú and Telêmaco Borba.  The works are part of the Competitive Paraná Program, launched in partnership with the State Government of Paraná, and will be the first to be executed pursuant to the protocol of intentions, whose agreement was signed in December last year.  As per the agreement, in return for the company’s investments in infrastructure and logistics, the State Government will grant presumed ICMS tax credit of up to R$ 450 million.

The list of projects covered by the program was published in the state register Diário Oficial do Paraná on June 10. The projects planned include the restoration of highways, construction of bridges, roundabouts and viaducts in diverse cities across the Campos Gerais region.  Among the works to be executed are the construction of the third lane on a 12-km stretch of the PR-160 highway between Telêmaco Borba and Imbaú; restoration and third lane on the PR-340 highway between Telêmaco Borba and Tibagi, and the construction of two bridges;  paving the right bank of the road linking Harmonia to Klabin's Puma Unit;  construction of stretches of third lanes on the PR-160 highway between Telêmaco Borba and Curiúva, and the construction of a bridge;  the construction of a Ventania contour; and the urbanization of Telêmaco Borba (Vila Osório trench), among others.

“The works were defined according to the criteria established by the State Government, which also defined a preferred order of execution.  The goal is to improve logistics, traffic safety and the development of communities surrounding Klabin's operations, thus reaffirming our commitment to regional development,” says Francisco Razzolini, director of Technology, Innovation and Sustainability at Klabin.

This agreement underlines Klabin’s long-standing partnership with the State of Paraná.  Innovation aligned with regional development as a sustainable commitment resulted in several milestones, such as the construction of the Puma II Project, currently the biggest private investment in the state. Over the last 10 years, the Company’s investments in Paraná exceeded R$20 billion.

“We are closely monitoring the preparation of engineering projects for the new infrastructure works to ensure that they follow the existing standards for works on highways.  These works will ease vehicle traffic on stretches used by Klabin and the population in diverse regions across the Campos Gerais region, and will also provide users with greater safety and agility,” explains Alexandre Castro Fernandes, managing director of the Paraná Highways Department (DER/PR).

#Obrasinfraestrutura #Investimento450milhões #CamposGerais