
Feiras e eventos

Klabin sponsors first Biennial Waste Expo in São Paulo

Company will have an interactive installation to raise awareness on sustainability and participate in panel discussions during the event. 
Visitors to the Biennial Expo will get to know KlaCup Bio, Klabin’s solution for biodegradable cups. 
São Paulo, May 27, 2022 – Underscoring its social and environmental commitment, Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, is participating in the first edition of the São Paulo Biennial Waste Expo, which opens on May 27 at the Villa-Lobos Park in São Paulo. The Company invites all to participate in a “Sustainable Journey”, which offers an interactive experience that raises awareness on the environmental responsibility of each citizen and reiterates the sustainability attributes of paper. Klabin’s installation consists of activities divided into three moments: raising awareness, reflection and sustainable actions, and also includes a “plantometer,” which will show in real time the number of trees planted by the company during the event, underlining the importance of trees in decarbonizing the planet and combating climate change. 

Klabin will also participate in important panel discussions with experts at the Biennial Waste Expo. On May 31, the company will be represented by Júlio Nogueira, Corporate Sustainability and Environment manager, in the panel discussion on “ESG – The challenges brought by waste.” On June 5, the World Environment Day, at 4 p.m., the company will join the panel discussion on “COP27 Connection – The challenges in solid waste,” in which it will be represented by Henrique Luvison, the Environmental Responsibility manager. 

Waste management is a priority issue on Klabin’s sustainability agenda, with the target of zero industrial waste sent to landfills by 2030. “We are Brazil’s largest paper recycler and are constantly seeking initiatives and partnerships that can help us evolve in this front. The Biennial Waste Expo is in line with this need. It is extremely important to broaden the discussion on this subject by disseminating relevant information and raising awareness among more and more people on the importance of correct waste disposal,” said Francisco Razzolini, director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects at Klabin.

KlaCup Bio
Visitors at the Biennial Waste Expo will use KlaCup Bio, Klabin’s recyclable and biodegradable solution for cups. The product stands out for its water-based barrier, which replaces other less sustainable materials normally used for this purpose, further optimizing the cup recycling process. This barrier is a coating applied to the paperboard, which guarantees the necessary resistance for contact with food and beverages at different temperatures.
Last year, Klabin announced investments of R$40 million in technology for barrier application. The second tranche of the investment, scheduled for conclusion in July 2022, will enable Klabin to ramp up the production of KlaCup Bio and announce other launches, which will significantly broaden its offering of increasingly sustainable solutions.

Expo Information
1st São Paulo Biennial Waste Expo
Date: May 27 - June 5, 2022.
Venue: Villa-Lobos Park – Esplanade and Library (Avenida Professor Fonseca Rodrigues, 1365 - Alto de Pinheiros -- São Paulo - SP).
Entry free. Tickets must be obtained previously through Sympla.
About the Biennial Waste Expo
The Biennial Waste Expo is a cultural project that uses art to discuss man’s relations with the environment. The event features artwork produced from discarded materials, artistic interventions, workshops, film festival, lectures and panel discussions on the subject. Entry is free and persons with disabilities have accessibility.

Inspired by an innovative worldwide artistic trend that was driven by today’s environmental problems, the Biennial Waste Expo is not limited to just including the environment in its creations, but rather turns the environment itself into a work of art in order to raise awareness on preserving the planet.

Among the artists who will showcase their works at the event are Bordalo II, Cacau, Jota Azevedo, Carmem Seibert, Jorge Solyano, Rafael Zaca, Valter Nu, Leo Piló, Afonso Campos and Ubiratan Fernandes. The exhibition will take place at the esplanade of the Villa-Lobos Park. 

#BienaldoLixo #Sustentabilidade #DiaMundialDoMeioAmbiente