
Relações com Investidores e Resultados Financeiros

Klabin launches its first Sustainability-Linked Bonds Report

Klabin is the world’s first company to incorporate biodiversity targets in this type of bond issue

São Paulo, April 4, 2022 – Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and paper packaging, issued this week its first Sustainability-Linked Bonds Report. SLBs are securities linked to sustainability performance targets, with Klabin’s issue incorporating sustainability targets to be reached 2030, with performance measured against the base year of 2025. 

The targets selected for Klabin’s SLBs are based on its solid waste reuse and recycling; water consumption; and biodiversity conservation, which includes the reintroduction and/or reinforcement of wild species in the ecosystem. Klabin is the world’s first company to issue SLBs that incorporate this kind of biodiversity target, reinforcing the importance of the work it performs on this front. The interconnected targets are applicable to the Atlantic Forest biome and associated with Klabin’s Sustainable Development Goals (KODS), a series of targets and commitments that are part of the Klabin Agenda 2030, which are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Like other reports on financial instruments linked to the Company’s sustainability, the Sustainability-Linked Bond Report is available on the Sustainable Finance page of the ESG Dashboard, an online platform that presents in one place Klabin’s key environmental, social and governance indicators, which can be accessed via this link.

The issue, which raised U$500 million, was named “ESG Deal of the Year” in the Bonds & Loans Latin America & Caribbean Awards, organized by Bonds & Loans Awards, an entity created by the conglomerate GFC Media Group (GFC).


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