

Klabin conducts Maintenance Shutdown at Monte Alegre Unit in Telêmaco Borba

The initiative will help ensure operational reliability and the safety of Klabin employees and local communities, and complies with the industry’s regulator standards

Paraná, March 29, 2022 – Klabin will conduct the Maintenance Shutdown 2022 of the Monte Alegre Unit, located in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná, from April 5 to 16. The purpose of this important event is to comply with the industry’s mandatory Regulatory Standards (NRs) and to ensure the good functioning of the unit’s equipment, while implementing improvements to increase the quality of production processes and the safety of workers. 


It is during the shutdown that the company carries out all the maintenance necessary to ensure the unit’s operational reliability, in line with Brazilian regulations. The shutdown also offers opportunities for implementing technological improvements and upgrades. During the process, certain pieces of equipment are shut down for carrying out necessary interventions to ensure the reliability of operations. Klabin reaffirms that all safety and environmental standards are being adopted during the maintenance and startup activities.


To protect the health of professionals and local communities from transmission of the coronavirus, Klabin follows strict safety protocols, such as physical distancing, mandatory use of masks, washing of hands, use of an automatic system consisting of quick and reliable sensors to measure temperature at the mill entrance, which prevents people from getting close to each other and the formation of lines, and close monitoring of employees for possible symptoms. To avoid overburdening the region's health system, the company has also partnered with a private hospital in Telêmaco Borba, which will assist employees who need medical care.


In addition, all contractors must show proof of complete vaccination against Covid-19 and will undergo tests in their city of origin before traveling to the unit. The test will be repeated before accessing the mill, and all contractors will be screened, including those who live in the region. To further increase the safety of the entire operation, Klabin reorganized the times of meals, which will be served in five cafeterias, and adopted remote work for administrative areas during the period.


The Maintenance Shutdown entails an increase in the number of temporary jobs, a significant portion of which consists of local workers from surrounding cities, which generates income for workers in the Campos Gerais region. This event requires logistics and infrastructure that includes transport, accommodation, meals and other services, all of which strongly drive the economy of the cities. Moreover, tax receipts by the municipal governments increase during these periods due to higher traffic at hotels and higher demand for food in general.


If they have any questions or suggestions, local residents can call Klabin at 0800 728 0607 or send an e-mail to faleklabinpr@klabin.com.br.


#ParadaGeral #CamposGerais #Manutençãofábricas