
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin supports Angatuba with PCR texts and other items for combatting Covid-19

São Paulo, March 16, 2022 – In early March, as part of its continuous commitment to combatting Covid-19, Klabin delivered antigen tests, personal protective equipment and 70%-alcohol hand sanitizer to the Municipality of Angatuba, in São Paulo state, where one of its industrial operations is located. The unit’s manager, Luiz Claudio Borges Júnior, represented the company in the official donation ceremony, which was made directly to Mayor Nicolas Basile and to Health Secretary Cássia Cristina Borges Palhas. 
Klabin has been closely following the rising number of Covid-19 cases in Brazil and sought ways to support its local communities by donating items to municipal health departments and institutional partners. “We remain focused on contributing to containing the pandemic in Brazil by reinforcing measures in the communities where our operations are located and our commitment to society. We are very proud to help the city during this delicate moment,” said Borges Júnior.
Since the pandemic’s outbreak, Klabin already has allocated over R$36 million to initiatives for combating Covid-19 in the country and been involved on other fronts as well, either through financial contributions or mobilizing various resources and experiences, using its Research & Development area and facilitating imports of products to support health, social assistance and income generation, always prioritizing the care of its neighboring communities.


#Covid #DoaçõesPCR #Prevenção