
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Women represent 60% of the Agribusiness program of the State Center for Forestry and Agriculture Vocational Training of Ortigueira  

Considering the Agro, Forestry Machinery Operations and Heavy Machinery Maintenance programs combined, women represent the majority (51%) of students enrolled; the technical school was created by a partnership between the State Government of Paraná, Klabin and the Municipal Government of Ortigueira 
Paraná, March 8, 2022 - International Women’s Day is commented on March 8, and Klabin, which understands that training qualified workers is essential for including more women in the workforce, reports some numbers to be celebrated on this important date. In one of the programs of the State Center for Forestry and Agricultural Vocational Training of Ortigueira, in Paraná – the only technical school for mechanics and operators of forestry machinery in Latin America, created by a partnership with the State Government, Klabin and local government – 60% of students enrolled in the three Agribusiness programs are women, which is a number that runs counter to data for the industry in Brazil, where the gender gap still persists. According to the IBGE, women represented just 19% of the industry’s management in 2021.
This strong participation and interest by women in programs that previously were dominated by men is a great sign that gender equality could be achieved in the near future. 
Milayne Aparecida Rodrigues Nunes, a third-year student in the Agribusiness technical program, said she was pleasantly surprised by the high number of women in her class. “I discovered a situation that was totally different from what I had imagined. I figured there would be some women, daughters of farmers or ranchers, who would like to learn skills to use in the family business. But what I saw was that the majority of students were women, most of whom lived in the city, seeking opportunities in agribusiness. The State Center for Forestry and Agricultural Vocational Training of Ortigueira is an opportunity for women to work on an equal basis with men in any profession, it’s a ladder for them to pursue their dreams and to stake their place in the job market,” she said.
The opportunity and constant search for places that are fairer for all society is one Klabin’s goals. “One of the targets of the Klabin Sustainable Development Goals (KODS), which are aligned with the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, is to promote gender equality. On this Women’s Day, Klabin is excited to celebrate the lead role and ascension of women in these areas,” said Luciana Nadai, Klabin’s People & Management manager in Paraná.
Women also are the majority (51%) in the Forestry Machinery Maintenance programs. Just to make the importance of this information very clear, the forestry engineering sector in Brazil, for example, currently employs 67% men, according to March 2021 data from the Federal Council of Engineering and Agronomy (Confea). Moreover, combining the participation by women in the three programs (Agribusiness, Forestry Machinery Maintenance and Heavy Machinery Maintenance) at the State Center for Forestry and Agricultural Vocational Training of Ortigueira, they represent 51% of all students.
Meanwhile, the technical programs in Pulp and Paper and Electromechanics offered by Klabin, in partnership with Senai in Paraná, in Ortigueira and Telêmaco Borba, the ratio of women enrolled is 58.75% and 40%, respectively.
 “All these initiatives show how much the company values women in the workforce and promotes opportunities to reduce the gender gap in the region,” concluded Luciana Nadai.


#DiadasMulheres #KODS #Representaçãofeminina