

Klabin makes donations in São Paulo state to support the fight against COVID-19

São Paulo, May 18, 2020 – To strengthen the initiatives to fight COVID-19 in São Paulo, Klabin, Brazil’s largest paper and packaging producer and exporter, has allocated more than R$1 million for donations in the state. The initiatives are targeted at the health and welfare areas, including income generation for professionals affected by the crisis, giving priority to cities where the Company has operations. With manufacturing units in Angatuba, Jundiaí and Piracicaba, Klabin donated around 120,000 hospital items such as masks, gloves, caps and aprons for health workers, and 1,000 liters of hand sanitizer. It also donated approximately 700,000 corrugated board and paperboard packaging to transport products and aid kits and to collect clothing and food, as well as mechanical ventilators, basic food baskets and food vouchers for families assisted by diverse institutions.


Klabin also supplied tons of paper to produce 600,000 disposable cups, which will be distributed to major hospitals, and to produce over 300,000 face shields using paper in the adjustable fitting. In partnership with the São Paulo State Government, through the Solidary Hygiene and Cleaning Project, the company donated corrugated board packaging for the hygiene and cleaning kits that will be delivered to families with no access to basic sanitation, residing in São Paulo and the metropolitan region. “We are facing an unprecedented situation and, more than ever, joining efforts in different spheres of society will make a difference. We are a corporate citizen and I believe that each action counts in dealing with this crisis,” said Cristiano Teixeira, CEO of Klabin.


Klabin has already allocated R$10 million to initiatives against the coronavirus. Apart from direct donations, the company has struck important alliances, including with its clients, to expand the reach of its actions. Together with other major companies, it is part of the Brazilian Government consortium to manufacture 6.5 mechanical ventilators, which will significantly increase their availability in the country. Klabin also contributed financially through the NGO “Pimp My Carroça” to ensure minimum income to over 3,000 recyclable-material collectors throughout Brazil, whose income fell drastically due to the pandemic, besides supplying them masks under the “Contagiando Sorrisos” Project. In São Paulo state alone, more than 1,200 people were helped by the organization.




Klabin is part of the chain that supplies the population with essential items (food, hygiene, cleaning and hospital items). To ensure the safety of its thousands of employees and the maintenance of its operations, the Company implemented dozens of preventive actions, intensified the hygiene and cleaning protocols at all its units and facilities, set up crisis committees that daily seek the best practices in fighting COVID-19, and conducts programs to raise awareness among its professionals and families on the importance of prevention and basic care. Recently, the company installed ozone tunnels at the entry and exit points of its mills to disinfect external surfaces.