

Klabin organizes Environmental Boat Trip down Tibagi River, in Telêmaco Borba

Paraná, March 18, 2019 – On Wednesday (20), Klabin, in partnership with Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (Sanepar) and Companhia Paranaense de Energia (Copel), is holding the Tibagi River Environmental Boat Trip. The action, which aims to raise awareness on pollution of the rivers and seas and environmental education on recycling, will be held in the Tibagi River Park, starting at 8 a.m. with the gathering of volunteers.


The meeting point in the park is along Highway PR-160, next to the bridge. After quickly registering, the volunteers will receive personal protective equipment (PPE) and be taken by bus to the water withdrawal point of Sanepar, where inflatable boats will be ready for the four-kilometer descent to clean up the river. The boat trip is expected to last approximately two hours.


Volunteers who do not want to paddle down the four kilometers can participate in the action on a shorter stretch near the vicinity of the Tibagi River Park, or even help to separate the waste. The event also will offer environmental education activities to anyone interested.


All recyclable material collected will be sent to the Telêmaco Borba Environmental Cooperative and waste will be sent to the Klabin Waste Center.


“This joint cleaning action on the Tibagi River is extremely important for environmental preservation, as we join forces with other companies and the community to care for the environment and the future of our planet. The event is based on Klabin’s Sustainability Policy and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Júlio Cesar Batista Nogueira, Sustainability and Environment Manager at Klabin.


ExpoTelêmaco 2019


With a booth that will look back at Klabin’s long history in the region and the founding of the city of Telêmaco Borba, the company will take visitors to ExpoTelêmaco on a trip of knowledge and interactivity. With illustrated panels, a timeline will tell the story of the company’s arrival and expansion up to the present day, which will include information on paper production and forests. Organized by the city government, the event, which commemorates the 55th anniversary of the emancipation of Telêmaco Borba (March 21), will be held on March 19 to 24, in the city’s Events Center.


This year, the Klabin booth brings several new innovations. Combining history and interaction, visitors can enjoy a virtual experience of operating a forestry machine on the simulators, as well as take a photograph to post on social media and recharge their smartphone using solar-powered equipment.


Bringing sustainability to the event, Klabin has donated 700 tons of sand for the pavement of the Events Center. The donated sand is a waste product from the production process at the Monte Alegre Mill, which is used as raw material for certain sub-products in the Solid Waste Center.


About Klabin 

Klabin is Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper, the leader in the corrugated board and industrial bag packaging segments, and the only company in the country offering one-stop shop solutions in hardwood, softwood and fluff pulp. Founded in 1899, Klabin has 17 industrial units in Brazil and one in Argentina. In Paraná alone, Klabin has generated over 10,000 direct and indirect jobs in more than 25 cities close to its operations, especially in the Campos Gerais region.

Klabin pioneered the adoption of mosaic-based forest stewardship, which consists of planted forests interspersed with preserved native forests, forming ecological corridors that help to maintain the biodiversity.  Klabin’s forest area in Paraná totals 342,000 hectares, 142,000 of which are native forests. Klabin also maintains an Ecological Park in the Monte Alegre Farm in Telêmaco Borba for research and conservation purposes, which provides shelter and rehabilitates wild animals that are the victims of accidents or abuse, thus supporting the efforts of environmental authorities. It also helps to preserve the region’s flora and fauna, including endangered species.

Klabin’s management is entirely guided by Sustainable Development. Klabin has implemented most of its social and environmental programs in the Campos Gerais region, notably Social Forests – Planning Sustainable Properties, Legal Forests, Solid Waste Project, Growing Up Reading, Caiubi Program, Força Verde Mirim and Environmental Protectors.

Klabin also supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and the Brazilian Pact to Eradicate Slave Labor, and seeks suppliers and business partners that share its values of ethics, transparency and respect for sustainability principles.


Media Relations – Klabin


In Press Porter Novelli

Juliana Onofri – (11) 4871-1466 – juliana.onofri@inpresspni.com.br 

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Alcione Cavalcante – (11) 4871-1473 – alcione.cavalcante@inpresspni.com.br 

Giovana Battiferro – (11) 3330-3806 – giovana.battiferro@inpresspni.com.br