
Klabin reports results of Solid Waste Project

At a meeting held on June 8 at the Puma Unit in Ortigueira, Paraná, Klabin and Caminhos do Tibagi Consortium presented all the initiatives implemented and the targets set for the Solid Waste Project to mayors and environment secretaries of the seven cities participating in the project.


At the meeting, the sustainability and environment manager of Klabin presented all the indicators of the project, such as training, equipment donated, Company’s investments and selective garbage collection actions in each city. The institutional video of the project was also played. “Our purpose is to show that all the cities performed well and to outline the next steps of this important project,” said Júlio César Batista Nogueira, Sustainability and Environment Manager at Klabin.


“This close relationship gives transparency to our initiatives with the communities and we can thus engage the cities in the sustainable development of the region,” pointed out Uilson Paiva, Community Relations Manager at Klabin. According to Ricardo Hornung, CEO of the Caminhos do Tibagi Consortium, the results of the Solid Waste Project can already be perceived by the population of the seven cities. “The main purpose is to increase the volume recycled by imparting environmental education and by reducing the waste sent to landfills, thereby improving the separation process for cooperatives and, consequently, improving the quality of life of their members,” he concluded.


Mayors and environment secretaries of cities in the region participated in the Solid Waste Project meeting at the Puma Unit.