
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin supports Vale Foundation and Rede Asta to generate income for seamstresses

Over the last three months of last year, Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging, has been a supporter of the initiatives Mask + Income, which was created by the Vale Foundation and by Rede Asta, a social organization that works to improve income generation for artisans and seamstresses nationwide.


Through the initiative, the company supports nine seamstresses, with six in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná and three in Goiana, Pernambuco, by offering income to professionals from the production of cloth masks. In addition to financial assistance, all receive the inputs required to make the masks.


In all, 13,500 cloth masks have been produced, which were distributed to various social organizations in the municipalities, as well as in Manaus, Amazonas. The organizations supported include: Church of the People Social Action, Elderly Care Center, Friend’s Solidarity Soup, Home of Jesus Shelter and House of the Path Support Center (NACCA) in Goiana; Elderly Home, Recycling Cooperatives of Telêmaco Borba and region, Mococa and Queimadas Indian Lands; and certain social organizations in Manaus.


 “It has been a great privilege to have participated on this project, which came at a time of great need for me in terms of maintaining income, as well as for those needing a mask to protect themselves. I’m very happy to have been able to help so many people by sewing and can only say that I thankful for the opportunity,” said Lenilda Braz Santos da Silva, a seamstress in Goiana.


Dalila de Souza Lima, a professional from Telêmaco Borba, said that over here entire life as a seamstress she has never had an experience like this. “If feel really useful, because I’m working to help society. At the start of the pandemic, I was hesitant to make masks, because I thought I would be taking advantage of the situation, but the project opened my eyes. I now understand that it’s not about taking advantage, but about helping the people around me. Not to mention the income generated, which is very important for me during these difficult times,” she said. 


Since the start of the pandemic, Klabin has made various donations and supported initiatives to help the public combat covid-19. To date, the company has invested over R$14 million across the country. The funds were allocated to actions focusing on health, social assistance and income generation, especially in regions where the company operates.


About Mask + Income


The initiative received an initial investment of R$5.5 billion from the Vale Foundation, which was expanded with the entry of new partners. Mask + Income is sponsored by the Vale Foundation and Rede Asta, in partnership with Wheaton Precious Metals, Petrobras, USAID, NPI Expand, Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA), SITAWI Finance for Good and BRK Ambiental. Co-partners of the initiative include: Yara, Suzano, Instituto Alcoa, Ultragaz, Eletrobras, GWC Foundation e Ford Motor Company Fund, Komatsu, Trafigura Foundation, Contour Global, Arcadis, Cummins e DCML, Della Volpe, Engie, Klabin, VIX Logística, SAP, Microsoft and Instituto Eldorado. Supporters include: Agenda Pública, EDF Norte Fluminense and Dow Química.


Mask + Income also receives support from mobilizing partners: Vale, Coletivo COVID Radar, Brazilian Business Council on Sustainable Development (CEBDS), France Brazil Chamber of Commerce, Deloitte, Acende Brasil Institute, Brazilian Mining Institute (IBRAM), Rio de Janeiro State Industry Federation (FIRJAN), Espírito Santo State Industry Federation (FINDES), Pará State Industry Federation (FIEPA), SIMINERAL, União ES and Women in Mining Brasil.


For more information, visit www.mascaramaisrenda.com.br.