
Reconhecimentos e premiações

Klabin wins recognition for its performance in reducing CO2

Company received the Gold Climate Seal – Paraná 2021 in two categories for its actions in Paraná 

Paraná, December 10, 2021 – Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer of packaging paper and paper packaging, has won important recognition for its actions against climate change: the Paraná Climate Seal in the Gold and Gold Plus categories. This important seal recognizes companies in the state of Paraná that voluntarily implement initiatives to measure, disclose and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The awards, which are in the seventh edition, are divided into three categories: Original, Gold and Gold Plus. The Original seal recognizes companies that issue a simplified inventory, i.e., adopt emission accounting methodologies, the Gold seal recognizes work done by companies with complete inventories, audited by an independent third party in compliance with ABNT-ISO standards and approved by Inmetro, Brazil’s standards and certification authority. The Gold Plus seal is focused on companies with complete inventory, also audited by an independent third party, with proven reduction in their emissions in accordance with the targets established by Brazil under the Paris Agreement. The Gold Seal was awarded to the Monte Alegre, Rio Negro and Paranaguá units, while the Gold Plus seal was given to the Puma Unit.

 “It’s an honor for Klabin to receive such an important recognition from Paraná, a state with which we’ve had a long-standing partnership. Concern for the environment and commitment to sustainability have always been at the heart of discussions at Klabin,” said Henrique Luvison, Environmental Responsibility manager at Klabin.

Luvison also pointed out that we have a science-based target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2025 and by 49% per ton of pulp, paperboard and packaging by 2035, in addition to our target of capturing a net amount of 45 million tons of CO₂eq from the atmosphere between 2020 and 2030, all of which are part of our Klabin 2030 Agenda, which defines the Klabin Sustainable Development Goals (KODS) in line with the United Nations agenda.

Klabin’s ESG strategy has historically been based on the company’s awareness, especially because it prioritizes sustainable development by working for the benefit of the communities where it operates.

The Paraná Climate Seal awards ceremony was held on December 7 at the Paraná State Industries Federation (FIEP). This year, the awards were given to 71 companies, totaling 177 industrial units in 66 towns across Paraná.


#CO2 #Sustainability #Recognition