
Klabin transforms partnership program and guarantees minimum price for wood producers in Paraná

Program now guarantees the purchase of production under contracts and strengthens diversification in rural properties

Paraná, February 11, 2021 – To expand its role in the sustainable development of the Campos Gerais region, Klabin has streamlined its partnership program and launched “Plant with Klabin”, a program that offers a minimum price and the guaranteed purchase of wood from pine and eucalyptus forest producers. “Plant with Klabin” involves three types of partnerships and offers environmental programs that help with the sustainability of properties, provide support for compliance with the legal environmental issues and obtain certifications, besides bringing economic and social gains.

Through “Plant with Klabin”, the company aims to build stable long-term relations with partners, thereby avoiding scenarios of major price fluctuations and giving producers a clearer picture and confidence regarding future results.  “Through forestry partnerships we intend to democratize the wealth generated by planting forests, while providing alternative income streams from rural properties and encouraging the adoption of practices that meet environmental, social and financial requirements,” explains Carlos Alberto Bernardi, Wood Sales Manager at Klabin.
Another important aspect is the orientation for rural producers to obtain certifications and the support provided by the Legal Woods program, which helps rural producers to adapt their properties to environmental requirements, promotes the conservation and restoration of riparian forests and legal reserves of small producers, while increasing household income and raising awareness of environmental issues.

Norival Moré, a rural producer who lives in Maringá, Paraná, says that one of the biggest lessons learned from participating in forestry promotion programs is the respect for environmental standards. “I have been working with forests for over 20 years and was one of the first to get the plantation certified. You know about the extra income you can make on the one hand and, on the other, you also gain environmental awareness. You start giving importance (to it) because you understand that this gives value to what you produce - understanding the rules for planting close to rivers, for example, in a way that takes care of that water source is a practice that everyone must.”

FOREST PRODUCTIVITY - Paraná is one of the states with the best forest productivity. Many regions are used for the production of wood, which is then sold for the production of pulp, paper, furniture and others, as well as in construction. According to APRE Florestas, the Telêmaco Borba hub alone, consisting of 13 towns including Ibaiti, São Jerônimo da Serra, Sapopema, Figueira Cândido de Abreu and Ventania, is home to the largest area of planted forests in Paraná, spanning almost 220,000 hectares and divided almost equally between pine and eucalyptus.

The Guarapuava and General Carneiro forestry hubs are among the main suppliers of wood for the production of paper. In 2019, production at the General Carneiro hub was 1.8 million m3, an increase of 27.7% from 2018; firewood production in the General Carneiro region is also significant, totaling 1.3 million m3 in 2019. Efforts such as this one from Klabin are increasingly important for the local development of communities and regions because, besides generating extra income and jobs, they conserve natural resources and the environment.

PLANT WITH KLABIN – It involves three types of partnerships: “Exchange of Inputs and Services”; “Price Guarantee”; and “Exchange of Seedlings”. For more information, call 0800 728 0607 or send an email to plantecomaklabin@klabin.com.br. WEBSITE: https://plantecom.klabin.com.br/inicio.


Propriedade com plantação de pínus em Imbaú (PR) parceira do Plante com a Klabin   

Crédito: Leandro Pedroso