

Cristiano Teixeira, CEO of Klabin, comments on the outcome of COP-26

São Paulo, November 14, 2021 - Cristiano Teixeira, CEO of Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and packaging paper, believes that the outcome of COP-26, which ended on Saturday with significant progress made regarding the regulated carbon market and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, marks the dawn of a new moment, most notably Brazil’s stance on combating climate change.

"We did make progress and do believe that, going forward, the whole world will strive to honor what was negotiated during COP-26. We believe that leading nations will continue their decarbonization journey and also help with climate finance for developing countries.  The regulation of the carbon market is also among the positive decisions and Brazil only has to gain from it, as I am sure that we can become major exporters of carbon credits, especially considering that we operate in a forestry sector that prioritizes biodiversity, productivity, respect for the environment and best ESG practices."

Teixeira was in Glasgow for the COP-26 summit and participated in the Business Leaders group, led by the event chairman Alok Sharma, tasked with disseminating information and engaging companies around the world to combat climate change.  Klabin was also represented at the event by Francisco Razzolini, director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects at Klabin.


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