

Klabin debates at COP-26 the forestry industry's importance to the bioeconomy, the future of Amazonia and why science-based targets are important 

Cristiano Teixeira, CEO of Klabin, and Francisco Razzolini, executive director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects, participate, live from Glasgow, in important debates on climate change 


Glasgow, November 10, 2021 – In the second week of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and paper packaging, continues to participate in important debates on issues related to climate change. Klabin CEO Cristiano Teixeira participated on the panel “The Forestry Industry and its Role in the Bioeconomy” organized by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment. Recently named Bio Person of the Year at the World Bioeconomy Forum, Teixeira explained that the main reason for having so many positive debates in Glasgow, Scotland, where COP26 is being held, is to help combat climate change and find solutions to global warming. 

 “The planted forest sector, which is responsible for extensive areas of preserved forests, could help Brazil by storing carbon, in other words, helping to capture more greenhouse gases from the air. It is also responsible for maintaining biodiversity, encouraging the circular economy and social respect for communities, creating jobs and generating income,” he said. 

Teixeira also participated on the panel “The Future of Amazonia: Balancing Agricultural Production and Forest Conservation,” organized by the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture and the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM). He reinforced that it is time to start putting projects into practice and fulfilling the commitments undertaken, especially in terms of environmental preservation. “I know how important the Amazon is, but the issue of illegal deforestation continues to weigh on Brazil. Every Brazilian should understand that and the importance of preservation. No native tree should be deforested,” he concluded. 

Science-based targets 
Francisco Razzolini, Klabin's Executive Director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects, participated on the panel "Science-based Targets and Industry" organized by the Corporate Initiative for Climate (IEC),  Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) and C40 Network, which presented the Company’s successful case study of setting science-based targets. 

According to Razzolini, sustainability is part of Klabin’s history and a movement that has gained momentum in recent years, mainly driven by mounting calls from consumers. “We started working on the carbon issue in 2003, when we conducted our first emissions inventory, so we have a robust database. Since then, we have been working to constantly reduce our emissions by investing in and incorporating new technologies that enable us to expand our renewable energy matrix. Today, 90% of the energy we use is from renewable sources, and we will achieve 92% by 2024. We hope Article 6 of the Paris Agreement is validated so that we can move forward in this process of improving our sustainability,” said Razzolini. 


Klabin’s targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The commitment is to reduce CO2 emissions (scopes 1 and 2) per ton of pulp, paper and packaging produced by 25% by 2025 and 49% by 2035, compared to the baseline year of 2019. Over the last 16 years, the company has reduced its CO2 equivalent emissions by 64%. 


Klabin at COP-26 
Brazil's largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and paper packaging, Klabin is the only company in Latin America to participate in COP-26 Business Leaders, a group led by the event's president, Alok Sharma, who is responsible for raising awareness and engaging companies around the world in the fight against climate change. CEO Cristiano Teixeira and Francisco Razzolini, Executive Director for Industrial Technology, Innovation,  Sustainability & Projects, will be representing Klabin in discussions and meetings during COP-26.