
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin Sowing Education Program holds live webcast to honor teachers

Virtual meeting was held on October 27 and discussed the importance of schools and educators in promoting the values of diversity on the subject of inclusion of students


Paraná, November 9, 2021 – Showing the importance of schools and teachers in welcoming and supporting students in order to promote a more humane and inclusive education that values diversity, the Klabin Sowing Education Program chose as the theme of its 4th webcast, “Caring school; humane curriculum,” a gift to teachers, who have on October 15 an exclusive date in Brazil to celebrate the merits of this profession.


With the presence of writer and storyteller Kiara Terra and the specialist in education César Nunes, PhD, a professor from Unicamp, the virtual meeting discussed the challenges of resuming on-campus classes and showed how schools must be an environment of support, inclusion and opportunities, a place to guarantee rights and understand diversity, and to discuss racism, bullying, family, emotional intelligence and differences in the learning process. “We all have the right to education, good food and physical integrity, the right to be accepted and valued for our differences by society, our family and school,” said Kiara.


Kiara and César believe that school is the most powerful place to bring about the necessary changes, and initiatives such as the Klabin Sowing Education Program contribute to this goal.  “We need to return, to recover schools at a time everyone stood to lose. A humanized relationship involves students and their teachers. When a school supports its students, they create bonds with the school,  which is capable of changing children’s lives,” explained César Nunes.


On the supporting role of schools, Nunes also emphasized that the current moment requires good judgment in order to be clear about what must be done. As a professor for teachers at the Pedagogy course at Unicamp, he noted that studying is necessary to understand education and the school, and named three steps for teachers to understand their role: reason, to understand the current scenario of schools, feelings and affective education, and the relationship of teachers and educational team with the school, in order to strengthen humanized educational management. “It is imperative that everyone always comes together to pursue and strengthen a humanized educational approach,” he added.


In a video recorded especially for the webcast, Uilson Paiva, the Social Responsibility and Community Relations manager at Klabin, reinforced this idea and explained the importance of Klabin Sowing Education Program in overcoming the challenges facing education.  “The issue of differences, diversity and the diversity of learning has become even more tangible in the school environment and this is why we want this project, with help from you all, to help improve the quality of education in Brazil and train our youth. These goals are part of both the UN SDGs and Klabin Sustainable Development Goals (KODS),” he said.


To access the webcast, click here 
About the Klabin Sowing Education Project

The Klabin Sowing Education project was launched as part of the company’s Sustainability Policy and is aligned with Klabin’s Sustainable Development Goals (KODS) announced in 2020. KODS are a set of short-, medium- and long-term goals focused on environmental, social and governance needs that are essential for the company and for the urgent global issues facing society and the planet. The program aims to improve the management of public resources earmarked for education, with the emphasis on results, and seeks a balance between school management, infrastructure, resources and academic practices through diverse training programs for professionals in the field. It is the result of a partnership between Klabin and municipal educational departments. The Program currently serves towns in the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Pernambuco.
