
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Sapopema receives Public Administration Support Program

Paraná, November 8, 2021 - The mayors elected in October 2020 and who took office in January 2021 are already aware of the financial situation of their respective towns and the challenges facing them during their four-year term (2021-2024). In this regard, Sapopema counts on the Public Administration Support Program, an initiative offered by Klabin to the town since 2019 in partnership with Interação Urbana, a consulting firm. The action includes specialized consulting services to assist the town in planning and defining the priorities and preparing the Multi-Year Plan (PPA).  Periodic meetings are held to devise actions and the results are submitted to the mayor of each town to help in decision-making. The main objective is to balance the public accounts, reduce expenses and ensure better use of public funds.

In June, representatives from Interação Urbana met with the mayor of Sapopema, Paulo Maximiano de Souza Junior, and his entire team to conduct the first phase of the Program, which is to raise awareness.  All the data collected during the different phases of the Program are entered into a monitoring system, which provides the departments with a single database, enabling them to better monitor the information received.

According to Solange Vialle, a consultant at Interação Urbana, the work methodology follows the situational strategic plan, which, unlike the traditional plan, is focused on private companies and adapts the plan to the social, cultural and political reality of each town. “Public administration involves many variables that go into this planning process.  In our work, we interact with the different actors involved, who think and plan the city”, she said.

For the mayor of Sapopema, the program is crucial for constantly improving management.  “We are focused on results.  Planning provides our work team with greater security, focus and quality in its actions.  We can thus meet the needs of our population by providing good public services”, he said.

Between 2017 and 2020, the Public Administration Support program was implemented in three towns (Telêmaco Borba, Ortigueira and Imbaú) and in 2019-2020, in four more towns (Curiúva, Reserva, Sapopema and Tibagi), all in Paraná.  In 2021, the group expanded with the entry of Rio Negro, Paranaguá and Ventania in Paraná; Otacílio Costa, Correia Pinto and Lages in Santa Catarina; Goiana in Pernambuco; and Angatuba in São Paulo, totaling 15 cities.

Public administration vs. Pandemic – In Sapopema, the Municipal Health Department relied on Klabin's support to think of alternatives for handling the COVID-19 crisis. Assistance came from a technical consulting firm, which provided support in managing the crisis, organizing the health care, epidemiological monitoring and communication actions and in maintaining the town’s fiscal balance.

According to Emanuele Antonia Chede Subtil, the state health secretary, the result has been a public administration that is intimately aware of the reality of the town and effective control of the disease.  The not-so-easy task has required a lot of dedication from public officials. “The consultants helped us to prepare a comprehensive contingency plan, which was approved by the City Council and we could thus respond adequately to the COVID-19 situation at all levels”, added Ms. Subtil, who leads a team of 80 professionals.


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