

Klabin arrives at COP-26 with the mission to drive private sector engagement in the fight against climate change 

Klabin is the only Latin American company to participate in COP26 Business Leaders, a group headed by the summit's chairman, Alok Sharma, responsible for promoting the topic and engaging companies from around the world 


Glasgow, November 3, 2021 – Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and paper packaging, Klabin is already in Glasgow, Scotland to attend the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. CEO Cristiano Teixeira and Director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability & Projects Francisco Razzolini are representing Klabin in the discussions and meetings over the coming days. 


Ever since ECO-92, in Rio de Janeiro, Klabin actively participates in environmental conferences and is recognized worldwide for its good practices in conserving native forests and watersheds, especially given its adoption of the mosaic forest stewardship model. Klabin's longstanding commitment to the topic, in particular those related to climate change, have garnered it recognition and led it to be invited to join the COP26 Business Leaders, a group responsible for promoting and engaging the private sector in climate change. 


“The Business Leaders group, which reports directly to COP Chairman Alok Sharma, is charged with the mission of discussing, encouraging and challenging corporate leaders around the world, whether from large, medium or small companies, to engage in the fight against climate change, especially by committing to science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets. We have worked on this over recent months and now, at COP26, I believe we will have the opportunity to make even more progress,” said Teixeira, who is also a Climate Ambassador (SDG 13) in the Leadership with Impact program of the UN Global Compact Network Brazil. 


Specifically for GHG reductions, Klabin drew on science to define its targets, which were validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Between 2003 and 2020, the Company reduced its specific GHG emissions by 64%, and the target approved with the SBTi represents an even more ambitious contribution to combatting global warming by targeting reductions in CO2 emissions (scope 1 – own emissions and scope 2 – emissions from purchased energy) generated per ton of pulp, paper and packaging produced of 25% by 2025 and 49% by 2035, with 2019 as the baseline. 


Razzolini explained that the scientific basis is critical for assessing if the targets set by companies actually contribute to combatting climate change. “The decarbonization journey is long and requires solid initiatives. Declaring yourself carbon neutral is not enough. We follow the recommendations of the United Nations and COP26 to obtain scientific support for setting our targets, and we want to share this experience with our peers to engage as many companies as possible in the initiative,” he added. 



Longstanding commitment 
Klabin was one of the first Brazilian companies to become a signatory to the UN Business Ambition for 1.5°C, back in 2019, through which it has committed to adopting actions to limit the increase in the global temperature to 1.5ºC, a level aligned with what scientists believe is necessary to reduce climate change impacts. In 2021, the progress made on this journey led Klabin to expand its commitment by adhering to the Net Zero vision, which means reducing its emissions as much as possible and neutralizing them to achieve a net zero balance by 2050. Note that in 2020, the company became a TCFD Supporter, which represents public support for the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board regarding the management of climate risks and opportunities, which effectively improves its transparency and communication on the topic.

The path of our sustainability journey is defined in Klabin’s 2030 Agenda, which establishes the Klabin Sustainable Development Goals (KODS), which are set of short, medium and long term targets that prioritize environmental, social and governance needs. These commitments are based on 23 priority topics divided into four pillars that include various targets aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 
