
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Education professionals in Sapopema participate in Klabin's socio-educational program

“Klabin Sowing Education” program offers continuing training for teachers, pedagogic professionals and directors of municipal schools


Paraná, October 22, 2021 - Continuous training of education professionals is essential to meet the evolving challenges in both teaching and learning.  Skills developed by teachers and currently applied in the classroom must be constantly rethought and revised.   To offer support and new tools to teachers and school managers, the company, in partnership with the municipal education department, is implementing the Klabin Sowing Education Program in Sapopema.  Four directors, four pedagogic professionals and 52 teachers are currently participating in the training modules.


Almir Andrade, a director of four field schools in the rural region of ​​Sapopema, is enthusiastic about the school manager training program.  “Pursuing this course is being important for me.  We are sharing and discussing actions with other participants, besides gaining tremendous knowledge that is passed on by the Sowing Education teachers,” says Almir.


The objective of the manager training course is to train and support managers in finding solutions for different local realities, in a collaborative and permanent process of integration and improvement.  “By studying the contents in depth, we are acquiring the knowledge needed to devise actions that will help improve and streamline the school routine,” said Almir.


Patrícia dos Santos Costa da Silva, who teaches fifth year students at the Professora Maria Sadel Municipal School, is already implementing in her class many of the aspects discussed in the first module of Pedagogical Training. “I used several tools in mathematics learned during the course. The results have been very positive,” she said.


According to Josiane Luque de Oliveira, the Secretary of Education at Sapopema, managers and teachers are highly motivated by the Klabin Sowing Education program.  “It has encouraged our education professionals to think and devise new actions that will contribute a lot to the quality of teaching and learning,” she said.


About the Klabin Sowing Education Project
The Klabin Sowing Education project was launched as part of the company’s Sustainability Policy and is aligned with Klabin’s Sustainable Development Goals (KODS) announced in 2020. KODS are a set of short-, medium- and long-term goals focused on environmental, social and governance needs that are essential for the company and for the urgent global issues facing society and the planet. The program aims to improve the management of public resources earmarked for education, with the emphasis on results, and seeks a balance between school management, infrastructure, resources and academic practices through diverse training programs for professionals in the field. The project is the result of a partnership between Klabin and the municipal education departments.