
Reconhecimentos e premiações

Cristiano Teixeira, CEO of Klabin, elected Bioeconomy personality of the year

Recognition was for his efforts to promote the circular bioeconomy and mitigate climate change


São Paulo, October 22, 2021 - Cristiano Teixeira, CEO of Klabin, was elected Biopersonality of the Year at the World BioEconomy Forum held in Belém, Pará. He was recognized for the efforts made by the Company – Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and paper packaging - to promote the circular bioeconomy and to mitigate the impacts of climate change in the country.


“Concern for the environment and commitment to sustainability have always been at the heart of discussions at Klabin. The Company's investments in developing new products and barriers that meet the needs of the bioeconomy are already a reality. We are the drivers of a chain and our role is to positively influence our stakeholders so that they comprehend the urgency of these issues and bring about significant changes that benefit the future of the planet. This recognition confirms that our efforts are producing results”, says Teixeira.


Teixeira will shortly participate in COP-26 to be held in Glasgow, UK, where he will closely follow the debates that will be held during the event.  He is a member of COP-26 Business Leaders, a select group that has, since last year, been discussing the most urgent issues related to climate change and engaging the private sector in setting carbon reduction targets.  Important updates about Klabin’s participation at COP-26 will be available on the Company's social media profiles.


The World Bioeconomy Forum was held in Belém, Pará, between October 18 and 20, during which world leaders shared ideas and discussed sustainable solutions to promote a circular bioeconomy, especially in addressing climate change.