
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin supports City of Rio Negro through Public Administration Support Program

Program provides specialized consulting for strategic planning and enriches the local government’s innovative management
Paraná, July 29, 2021 – To strengthen the development of local communities, Klabin is developing in Rio Negro the Public Administration Support Program, a corporate social project that already has been implemented in various municipalities where the company has forestry and industrial units.
By offering specialized consulting, the program supports the planning and preparation of the Multi-Year Plan (PPA), a document prepared by local governments across Brazil that defines their priorities over a four-year period.  The document contains plans on how public policies will be implemented to achieve the results expected to improve public’s well-being in various areas.  The program was presented by representatives from Klabin to municipal administrators and the support was confirmed in early July.
The program offers administrators (mayors, municipal secretaries and their teams) consecrated techniques  in public administration and the tools for monitoring actions, which leverages their control of the actions planned and implemented. 
“The action reinforces Klabin’s commitment to act as a positive force in local communities by contributing to the better training of civil servants, better planning, better management of resources and consequently better quality of life for the public,” said Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations manager at Klabin.
According to the mayor of Rio Negro, James Valério, the Public Administration Support Project presented by Klabin has played a very important role in improving his administration. “The project has proven extremely important in strengthening our efforts to innovate public administration. The partnership, which integrates all our municipal departments, guides the consulting using methodologies that aim to incorporate procedures that benefit the people of Rio Negro.
The program presented by Klabin is part of its Sustainable Development Goals (KODS), which were established based on the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations.
#RioNegro #PublicAdministrationSupport #Development