
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

After renovation, Wolff Klabin State School resumes classes with a new look

Paraná, July 21, 2021 – New facade and renovated classrooms with air conditioners. The first Robotics laboratory in the Campos Gerais region. Surveillance system with security cameras. The Wolff Klabin school opens its doors with a new look today (July 21), when state government schools resume classes following a hybrid system, i.e., combining remote and on-site activities.

The renovation work, carried out by Klabin in partnership with the Paraná State Education and Sports Department, is practically finished. The library, teachers’ room and pantry have a new look. The outdoor court was painted new and a nylon net was installed on the roof. Nets were also installed at the goal posts and a basketball hoop was installed as well. Electrical upgrade, new landscaping and work on the school facade are in the final stages.

Apart from improvements to infrastructure, the Wolff Klabin State School has, since 2020, been receiving consulting services from Klabin’s Sowing Education program. These services include streamlining of educational management processes and school infrastructure, and the sharing of good practices for better performance by the board, employees and teachers, with the desired impact on the learning process of students.

“We are starting hybrid classes today. Students will return to the school in a phased manner, taking all the necessary preventive measures. We are overcoming obstacles and facing new challenges to ensure that the return is as smooth as possible,” said Ionara Cristine Orso Jakovacz, principal of Wolff Klabin State School.
Uilson Paiva, Community Relations Manager at Klabin, said the renovation is being delivered exactly as defined at meetings with teachers, employees, parents and students. “It was a complex effort carried out during the pandemic and hence took longer than expected, but we are very pleased to have implemented all the improvements agreed with the school community and the state government,” he pointed out.


All the areas still being renovated are duly isolated and demarcated, with adequate instructions given to employees and monitoring done by a security system installed and already functioning. The entire team involved in the works has been rigorously following the COVID-19 prevention and combat protocols.

#WolffKlabin #School #Renovated