

Bunge adopts paper packaging made from biodegradable sources for its 25-kg wheat flour lines

The new packaging solutions, which offer effective protection against leaks and facilitate storage, will be available in 17 states of Brazil
São Paulo, July 7, 2021 – Bunge’s wheat flour lines for industrial and food service clients will gain a new presentation for the 25-kg product portfolio, with the new paper packaging solution made from raw materials from renewable and recyclable resources.

The change brings a variety of benefits for clients, including easier product storage and effective protection against leaks. The new packaging is made by Klabin, which is Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and of paper packaging solutions, and holds FSC® sustainable stewardship certification.

The production process is net carbon positive, since it captures and sequesters more carbon that emitted into the air and its energy matrix is predominantly renewable. Moreover, paper fibers can be recycled from five to seven times, and given the paper industry’s high recycling rate, they support lower waste generation and make a positive contribution to the country’s National Solid Waste Policy.
The project, which includes adaptations to industrial lines, was begun last year at the mill in Ponta Grossa, Paraná. Now, the process will be rolled out to three other units, which are located in Ipojuca, Pernambuco, Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro and Vera Cruz, Minas Gerais. The latter unit will have its production 100% migrated to the new packaging model.

“We strive to innovate constantly so that we can offer our clients the best products and solutions. The use of paper packaging from biodegradable resources will definitely facilitate the day-to-day activities of our partners,” said Lucélia Vieira, marketing manager at Bunge for the Wheat chain.
The new packaging is available in 17 states: Alagoas, Amapá, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Catarina, Ceará and São Paulo. The products to receive the paper packaging are Pré-Mescla Plus French Roll Premixing, Suprema Special Wheat Flour, Predileta Wheat Flour, Predileta Premixing, Suprema Premium Wheat Flour, Suprema Extra Light Wheat Flour, Pré-Mescla Burger, Loaf and Hot Dog Bun Premixing, and Pré-Mescla Sweet Bread Premixing. The transition to the new packaging, which will be conducted gradually, is expected to be completed in July.

#Bunge #Embalagem #Biodegradavel