

Klabin holds Forum to discuss Sustainable Development Goals

São Paulo, June 4, 2018 – To emphasize the importance of sustainabilityin people’s lives, on June 6th Klabin will hold the forum “Sustainable Development Goals in the Daily Routine” at the auditorium of MASP (São Paulo Museum of Art Assis Chateaubriand). The forum will feature a debate on the application of the goals in the daily routines and the launch of the book “101 Dias com Ações mais Sustentáveis para Mudar o Mundo”, written by Prof. Marcus Nakagawa.


The debate on “How do we incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the daily routines of companies and people” will be mediated by Prof. Ismael Rocha, PhD, director of Advanced Studies at ESPM. Other participants are Fabiano Rangel, chairman of the Brazilian Association of Sustainability Professionals (Abraps), Carlo Pereira, executive secretary of the UN Global Compact Network Brazil, and Judi Cavalcante, founding partner of Avesso Sustentabilidade. Within the perspective of corporate sustainability, issues such as climate change, renewable energy and private social investment are among the fields in which these professionals have vast experience.


It will be followed by the launch of the book “101 Dias com Ações mais Sustentáveis para Mudar o Mundo”, written by Marcus Nakagawa, professor of undergraduate and MBA programs at ESPM. To make the project a reality, the author resorted to financial support from several people and companies through a crowdfunding campaign. Klabin was one of the backers and signs the foreword of the book, which will be available in bookstores nationwide and also online.


Klabin supports the UN commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and joins hands with other organizations to put into practice a global action plan for the benefit of people, the planet, as well as peace and prosperity. The company has been working on new goals and targets that incorporate issues that are important for its business and the items on the UN’s global agenda to its governance strategy and sustainability policy.