
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Social Forests program strengthens beekeeping in Santa Catarina 

Klabin's initiative guides beekeepers towards adequate management aimed at increasing production and income on their properties 

Santa Catarina, June 19, 2024 – Committed to the development of communities, Klabin, through the Social Forests Program, in partnership with the Association for Preservation of the Environment and Life (Apremavi) and Sebrae, is strengthening family farming in Santa Catarina. Beekeeping, which is the practice of raising bees for honey production, enables farmers to diversify their property, and they receive guidance to ensure proper beekeeping management for greater productivity.
With the arrival of autumn and then winter, which are not blossoming seasons, bees struggle to maintain the essential food for honey production, as the available nectar in nature decreases. Therefore, beekeepers need to perform the winter preparation procedure, which starts in March, with the exchange of queens, wax, and addition of food. These procedures are guided by professionals of the Social Forests program, and the results can already be seen in the properties of the Serra Catarinense region.


Ariel Stefaniak, Sebrae consultant for Social Forests in Santa Catarina, explains that producers do management and preparation at this time of year to ensure good results during the harvest season, in the spring. "The protocol is executed until August, when the mountainous region lacks both nectar and pollen. By correctly following the guidelines, producers have been achieving better results every year. With the support of partners such as Senar and Epagri, Social Forests has been contributing to boosting the beekeeping production chain in the region of Santa Catarina."
The municipalities of Palmeira, Otacílio Costa, Lages, Correia Pinto and Ponte Alta receive support from the Program. On average, the production of the region reaches 20 to 30 kg of honey per hive, With the potential to reach 70 kg and, in the future, 100 kg. "These cities are part of a Santa Catarina area recognized for the production of bracatinga honeydew honey, which does not come from flowers, but from the sap of a tree. It is currently considered unique in the world, a Brazilian product coveted abroad. In addition, the region has obtained the Geographical Indication (IG) for Bracatinga Honeydew Honey, which confirms that this is a product characteristic of its place of origin," explains Stefaniak.


Altair Evaristo, a beekeeper assisted by the program, took a pollination course and now has an apiary in Correia Pinto. He teaches colleagues from Palmeira about beekeeping management, reinforcing the importance of using personal protective equipment (PPE). In preparation for winter, Social Forests provided Altair with seedlings which are adequate for the bee pasture he cultivates. "We increased the amount of honey produced by having healthier bees and reduced the attack of predators. Without the program and other partnerships with state bodies, such as Epagri, we wouldn't be able to survive in beekeeping, as we are small," says Altair.


With technical assistance for beekeeping, local communities increase their income and make their properties more profitable. "We believe our commitment to social issues is essential to drive the development of the communities where we operate. We are excited about the positive economic, social and environmental impact of the program for the farmers served," says Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations Manager at Klabin.


The Social Forests program was implemented in Santa Catarina in 2020 to support family farmers in the municipalities and communities neighboring Klabin's operations in the state. The technical consulting is provided in the stages of production, from environmental adaptation to the sale of produce, including training, diversification of properties and encouragement to the culture of associations / cooperatives. The program promotes economic, social and environmental opportunities through various actions to strengthen family farming.

Beekeeping in Santa Catarina receives support from Klabin's Social Forests Program